

We have a large and diverse library of wallpaper to browse through, and we believe it’s the ultimate toolbox to complete your project. We’re at home servicing the needs of those who want a more traditional pattern, or a designer looking for the latest patterns. Whether you’re a homeowner that wants a paper that will endure, a designer with an exacting client, or someone looking to sell a home, we have what you need.

Pattern, sizes, textures, brands, styles, fashions, and trends. Choosing wallpaper can be overwhelming, simplify the process by allowing our wallpaper expert to assist you. If you’re not sure how to start or proceed on your wallpaper project, our experienced help can be just the ticket to seeing the results you want. If you would like your wallpaper installed by a professional, we would gladly recommend a qualified and experienced contractor.

For a list of some of the wallpaper brands we stock, please visit our “Brands we stock” page


Due to the challenges of the pandemic, and our desire to give full attention to your needs, our wallpaper and design section now operates by appointment.


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